Categories That Will Never Be Made

These categories will never EVER be made! KEEP CONTINUING TEH LIST!
*Family Gay - For pastas involving Family Guy.
*Da Sempsans - For pastas about The Simpsons.
*THE END - For pastas that say "THE END"
* JAFF THE FILLER SUCKS MAJOR WANG- For pastas where Jeff the killer sucks someoness dick
*Stevie Wonder memes - Roses are black, Violets are black, everything is fucking black; I can't fucking see.
*Doritos - These tasty things can be such a hazard.
*Coke - I didn't know that Coke came in a liquid form!
*EVIL PATRIXXX DOESN'T DIE!!! - For pastas where EVIL PATRIXXX doesn't die
*And then two skeletons popped out - For pastas where two skeletons pop out
*IT'S SNOWING, MAN!!!11 - For pastas that have snow in them
*CLOPFIKZ - For sexual MLP pastas
*2edgy4me - ur so edgy, dat ur a fukin circle
*Tomato - Tomato
*Unitato - Just a category for just that one pasta.
*GOOD FOOD! - For pastas that involve food, but they are SUPER SALAD-MAN!!!!
*@@@@222 - The unwanted brother of 
*COCK OF DOOKY - For Call of Duty pastas
*LUEEGEE - For pastas about Mario's pussy ass bitch of a brother: Luigi
*SONIC DOT EXE - For pastas about Sonic.exe
*EVIL XXX - For pastas about EVIL (insert name here)XXX
*XBAX WUN - For pastas about the Xbox One
*Hyper-realistic blood - For pastas about hyper-realistic blood
*BEST PASTA EVAR! - For pastas that are the best
*FatalGuyZilla Collabs! - For pastas in collaboration with Fatal Disease, SOMEGUY123, and GodzillaFan1
*Staff-Only - Shit that is made from Staff in this wiki
*I CUNN ONOMONPEDA- Pastas that attempt Onomatopoeia
*Children Friendly - For pastas that are children friendly
*HOMOSUCK - For pastas about Homestuck
*Trouble Fuck - For pastas where people are having a hard time having sex
*Meercat- For pastas containing Meercats
*Twahlaght Sporkles.wmv- For pastas that contain this [ vid]
*1 potato 2 potato - For pastas that can count to potato
*Sonic.exe Ripoff Spinoff list - Pages with spinoff list that are sonic.exe ripoffs
*(name).exe - Pages with (name).exe
*(name) The Killer- Pages with (name) The Killer
*1879 - Pastas made in the early 1879
*????? - You need too unlock EVIL PATRIXXX and get your account 100% completed too unlock this.
*Pastas about Pastas - Trollpastas about Trollpastas
*Leedle leedle lee - LEEDLE LEEDLE LEE
*2014!111111One!11 PASTAS THAT SAY THE WORLD IS GOING TO END IN DEC, 21 2014!!1!
*DOLAN TALESZ - Pastas who has Dolan who rapes, kills and whatever not.
*BAD FLUTTERSHY DAY - Pastas who somebody wrote how Fluttershy gets raped by someone.
*GLaDOS is the best robot - Pastas about GLaDOS lovers.
*IT'S SO GROSS I RIPPED OFF MAH OWN PINGAS - Pastas when you masturbate and then came shok moment.
*BRONY PASTAS - Pastas about brony shits and whatever not.
*ANTI BRONY PASTAS - Pastas about anti-bronies hates bronies,war and etc.
*FURRY PASTAS- Pastas about furry stuff and whatever.
*ANTI FURRY PASTAS- Pastas about anti furries that hates furries.
*MILEY CYRUS' DOOMSDAY - Pastas about a woman who knocks EVIL PATRIXXX and they two are in Enternal War
*I WILL KEEL YOU WIT MAH COMBASTIV LEMON - Don't fuck with Cave Johnson.He was a badass guy who existed before Chuck Norris.
*DON'T FAK WIT CAVE JOHNSON - Pastas about a guy who almost invented Combustive Lemons.Science can revive him.
*PARODIA LIRIKS - Pastas who are lyrics for the parody.
*UH-VATAR - Pastas about Tahno.
*YOU NEVER LICK ME!!!1111!!1 MY TINY LITTLE DICK - Pastas about sexual Team Fortress.
*OH MAI GHOD !111!!!!!! SOMEBODY TURNED G MOD - .......
*Oh,Princess Celestia...You mean MOLESTIA???????!!!!!!!!!!! - (I am not the brony, BTW) Pastas about that bitch who rapes little kids.
*HALF LAJF 3 IS KHAMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111!!!!!!!!!!! - Pastas about Half Life 3. Forget it, muchacos. It is never going to happen.
*RELAJS YAR MHAIND - Pastas about how Portal 2, Half Life 2 or any other game should ended.
*THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!!!1111111111!!!!!! - Pastas about Doug Rattman.
*MATHS - Pastas about mathemathical riddles. Seriously, don't fuck me with that cursed subject.
*LIK MAH PAYNUS,U GUIZE - Pastas that will make you gay.
*ALTAIHR - Pastas about Assassin's Creed 1
*ASZIO - Pastas about Assassin's Creed 2,Brotherhood and Revelations.
*CAHNOOR - Pastas about Assassin's Creed 3
*AEDWERD - Pastas about Assassin's Creed 4
*AVALAIN - Pastas about Assassin's Creed 5
*ASS ASS IN - Pastas about trilogy of Assassin's Creed.
*GURFELD N ODI - Pastas about Garfield and Odie.
*JADG DRAAD - Pastas about Judge Dredd.
*DROOOK - Pastas about calling Shrek DROOK not Drek.
*STRPHAX - Pastas about Starfox.
*POODIEPIE - Pastas about Pewds.
*SPONGETRIXXX - Pastas about how EVIL PATRIXXX rapes Spongebob and their baby is SPONGETRIXXX
*PRINGLAS - Because you can't trust the man with whiskers.
*HARDER,PATRIXXX - Because every woman will lose virginity.
*DOLAN ULTIMATE TALE - Pasta about Dolan rapes everypony (except male) in Equistria.Even princesses.And on moon,too.
*S.H.O.W.E.R - Pastas about S.H.O.D.A.N.
*GHADHOS - Pastas about GLaDOS.
*HUL 8999 - Pastas about HAL 9000.
*M.A.G.G.O.T. - Pastas about M.A.R.G.O.T.
*J.E.R.K.V.I.S - Pastas about J.A.R.V.I.S.
*AL ADMANS AR MAHRANS - Pastas about how much you hate admins.
*EVL GAB NAHWELL - Pastas about Gabe Newell.
*TOMATO IS POTATO - Pastas about illusions.
*WAT IF AJ TOLD U THAT YA DON HAVE UR DIK - Pastas about Matrix who are sexual.
*OFF COURSE!- Pastas with obvious plot twists that were clear from the start
*DUN DUN DUN - Pastas with reaction when your third husband tells him he's really your first husband with a different turn.
*ONE, TWO, THREE POTATO - Because maths is now even harder per usual.
*Shit, Crap, Poop - Similar to a statue which fucks you when you blink, but crappier
*Retards Attempting Ponification - Pastas including non-pony characters that are ponified
*SMOKE WEED ERRYMILLENNIUM - You got too far at smoking.
*CHUAIN MUAILZ - Pastas where you goes crazy and "IF YOU DUN'T SEND DIS TO 69.1342 PEEPLE YOU WEEL DIE"
*ÂĹĹ "CAPS" - Pastas where you wear hats while screaming.
*Mad Lips Story- Pastas that might as well be Mad Lips.
*Gassipons is at it again! - Pastas where ponies fart.
*Blatant Self-Insert - Pastas where users/authors insert themselves into the pasta, rather than being a narrator
*Fuck this category - Fuck this text (aka. where pastas self-demonstrate)
*Austic- Pastas with the Austism joke.
*GR33|\|73><7 - Pastas that includes greentext stories other than "Shrek is love" or any spinoffs of it
*PATRIXXX - Not to be confused with the "EVIL PATRIXXX", this is for pastas that includes good version of EVIL PATRIXXX
*Im Double Died - Where narrator winds up dead 2 times in a row
*RIGBY.FUCKTHISPASTA - Pastas which insults another pasta (directly or otherwise)
*Disturbing Shit - This pasta is not just unfunny, but disturbing rather than being a Trollpasta
*k - Pastas which is neither funny or scary, just neutral.
*NATHSHAT - Pastas about some guy who shoot some guy in NUTS.
*CLOPFERS - Pastas about cloppers.
*YIFFERS- Pastas about yiffers.
*WHITLY - Pastas about Wheatley
*EVIL WHEATLXXX - Pastas about PATRIXXX's fourth brother, WHEATLXXX.
*Blatant Ripnuts - Pastas about sexual categories.
*PX's - Pastas about PATRIXXX's nickname
*SHREXXX - Pastas about PX's sixth brother, SHREXXX
*Italian pastas - Pastas written in Italian language
*GRANATA PASHLIKH - Pastas about trowing granatas.
*PATRIXXIA - Pastas about...Did you know that PATRIXXX got sister? I didn't know it, too.
*GORDOHN FROHMANN - Pastas about Gordon Freeman.
*ALIX TRANCE - Pastas about Alyx Vance.
*ALI TRANCE - Pastas about Eli Vance.
*WALLET BRAIN - Pastas about Wallace Breen.
*JUNK MESSMAN - Pastas about Judith Mossman.
*KREJP - Pastas about Demoman.
*POOTIS - Pastas about Heavy.
*MARGOTS - Pastas about Soldier.
*U HAV GAT BLAD ON MAI SUIT - Pastas about Spy.
*U SAK - Pastas about Scout.
*U HAV GAT BLAD ON MAI NAJF - Pastas about Sniper.
*I VIL HEAL U - Pastas about Medic.
*HUDDAH HUDDAH HU - Pastas about Pyro.
*DISPENSUH GOIN UP - Pastas about Engineer.
*WHATSUUP - Pastas about Shorty.
*RN RN RNNNN - Pastas about involving motorsaw.
*HITHMAN - Pastas about Hit Man
*TURRAT - Pastas about turrets.
*NIC CAGE - Pastas about Nic Cage
*BLEEDING EARS - Pastas about listening to Justin Biebers songs.
*RAWR! - The scariest off all pastas.
*CROATINS ARE BESTZ - Croatian pastas.
*TREVAR IS STZUPHID - Pastas about a MUDDAFUGGA who has worst messages.
*CREEPY, CRAPPY, TROLLIN' PASTZA - Pastas who involves Trollpasta, Crappy Pasta and Creepypasta.
*MCCONNELLING IS GREJT - Because Jon Stewart is the best guy that unniverse had.
*ATARI JAGWUR WALKED AWAY - for pastas where your atari jaguar is haunted and it walks away
*TREVAR - Pastas about Trevor Phillips.
*FAPKLIN - Pastas about Franklin Clinton.
*MAJKL - Pastas about Michael De Santa.
*DACTA HU?! - Pastas about some doctor that his name is unknown.
*DACTA HU - Pastas about Doctor Who.
*DALAKS - Pastas about Daleks.
*BIOSHOK - Pastas about Bioshock.
*TARDIS BERR - Pastas about Teddy Bears.
*MIGUAL - Pastas about Miguel (Read THE END BAGINS written by ME)
*EVIL PETS - Pastas about pets that are evil.
*CHILDHOOD RAPISTS - Pastas that will ruin a beloved show from your youth.
*BIMBOOS BADEND - Pastas about lord of the rings/the hobbit
*LOL DIX - Pastas with dick jokes.
*English Class Master - Pastas with 0 spelling/grammar errors.
*Spanish Class Failure - Pastas that fail at the Spanish language.
* - Because furry porn.
*GAI FISH - Pastas about Kanye West.
*SAUTH PRK - Pastas about South Park.
*FUCKIN RETARDED NAMSSIS - Pastas about your enemies
*KETE KHIERES - Pastas about something in Spanish.
*MIKEY MOSE - Mickey Mouse pastas.
*Je ne parle pas français - Pastas in French.
*GAT - Pastas about GTA (Grand Theft Auto).
*TIMMY TRUMMER - Fairly OddParents pastas.
*DROO PECKLEZ - Pastas about Drew Pickles and the Barney Bunch
* HANSDIEKS JAKK - Pastas about Handsome Jack
* MAKKSIZ RUDD LEGHT - Pastas about Mad Moxxi
* MIMI TEH TORNADA - Pastas about Tornado Mimi
* NITE TIEM - Stories that take place at nighttime.
* GUD MURNIN - Stories that take place in the morning.
* One word - Pastas that are just one word long.
* One letter - Pastas that are only one letter long.
* STIK FIGURZ - Pastas about stick figures.
* PEE ESS FOR - Pastas about the Playstation 4.
* XBAWX TREE SIXTEY - Pastas about the Xbox 360.
* wat - Pastas that make no sense.
* HIT DA KID - Child Abuse. 'Nuff said.
* POLEEB - Trollpastas about Polybius. What else?
* TLORRPASTAS - Trollpastas about the Trollpasta website
* EVIL LORAXXX - For trollpastas featuring EVIL PATRIXXX's uncle, EVIL LORAXXX
* MY FAIRCHILD CHANNEL F GOT IN A FIGHT WITH EVIL PLANKTONXXX AND THEN PROCEDED TO EAT 347 HOT DOGS AND TURN DOCTOR ROBOTNIK INTO A WEREWOLF AND THEN INTO SPACE - Pastas in which a Farchild Channel F gets in a fight with EVIL PLANKTONXXX and then procedes to eat 347 hot dogs, turn Doctor Robotnik into a werewolf, and then into space.
* PEENUTSBUTT-URRRGAYMUR - For pastas involving PeanutButterGamer.
* EXPAND DONG - Pastas about Donkey Kong
* SATAN CLAWS - Pastas that are a sequel to Santa is Satan
*PORNEEFIZHUN - Pastas that involves Ponification itself, not just ponified characters.
*Rule 34- Pastas with R34
*TROLLIFICATION - Pastas about one of Ponification's brothers, Trollification
*TRANSFORMIFICATION - Pastas about Ponification's second brother, Transformification
*(species/kind name)IFICATION - We doesn't want more fucking kindchanging, or transformation for that matter.
*EVIL LOADINGXXX - pastas about EVIL PATRIXXX's computer bot.
*PLENKEZM MUTHAFUKAZ- Pastas about Plankism or Anti-Plankism
*CAUSE THIS IS FILLER- Pastas with filler because writing a full story takes effort
*DA KILLAH GEY AUF DETH - Pastas about that one trans in your school who stalks you.
*CEE PEE DUBEEL U CEE SUX - Pastas about how you hate CPWC
*SUTHEP - Pastas about Suthap Therksuwan, aka that one fucker who caused the Thailand coup
*FUK DA COUP - Pastas about Thailand's 2014 coup
*AEN INTUREZTING KONVERAZTIUN - Pastas about, or based off An Intere

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*LOOMEENATEI - Pastas about Illuminati
*PRUBLEM? SUCKLETH - Pastas about Problem Sleuth webcomic
*JAILBREEK - Pastas about Jailbreak webcomic
*EDDZWOURLD- Pastas about the Eddsworld wedcomic
*CNTRLALTDELET- Pastas about the Cntrl Alt Delete wedcomi
*ZOOPHODIA- Pastas about the Zoophobia wedcomic
*BEARD COCKUEST - Pastas about Bard Quest webcomic
*Azula Lel - Pastas involving Azula, or literally every pastas made by mattiesensei666
*GodofAnimefanz9999 Collab - Collabs by Godofmemez and Animefan9999, or more.
*Parodied Parodies - Pastas that are a parody of a parody
*DIVDEED BAI ZEROOOOOOO - Pastas where someone or something divides by zero, and causes either an explosion or a black hole
*EVIL "EVIL PATRIXXX"XXX - Pastas that describes EVIL PATRIXXXception
*CEE PEE YU - Pastas about Creepypasta Wikia
*ESS PEE YU - Pastas about Spinpasta Wikia
*FAK U.AVI - Pastas about Fuck You.avi
*What the fuck is LoL?!?!?!?! - Pastas about confusion with Laugh Out Loud and League Of Legends
*TOP KOK KEK - Pastas about that one memetic snack.
*FUCK MAEL FEMAEL IZ BETUR - Pastas about Sexism
*FUCK WHIT PPL BLAK PPL R BETUR - Pastas about Racism
*DOWN WITH CIS - Pastas about cisphobia.
*DOWN WITH TRANS - Pastas about transphobia.
*PORNEEZ HAT HUMENZ N FCK DEM - Pastas about "Speciesism"
*FEMINAZI- Pastas with 'feminists'
*-XXX-XXX - Pastas about EVIL XXX characters which is XXXified again for second time
*Well, that's it - Pastas, in which when you read at one point, causes you to quit reading that pasta.
*POINTLESS VIOLINS TOTALLY MAKE IT SCARY U GUIZE - Stories that over-rely on violins and/ or gourds, under the misguided belief that more of these things make a story scarier.
*Stevie Ray Vagina's Pride and Joy - Pastas about Stevie Ray Vaughan.
*JEEMK - Two words: Jim Carey.
*MURBLE HERNITS - Pastas about the Slenderrman YouTube series, Marble Hornets.
*SANIC ZAMBAYZ - Pastas about the YouTube series, Sonic Zombies.
*Masks and Cheesecakes - Pastas about Masky (The dude from Marble Hornets)
*IWUNNA BAY FEST - Pastas about the movie "Turbo".
*BARBY Q SAWS - Pastas about White Shadow from said movie.
*Wow, such pasta - Pastas about Doge
*DINNER - Pastas about the Zelda CD-I games.
*ALL TOASTERS TOAST TOAST! - Pastas about Hotel Mario
*WEN DERS SMUK DAY PINCH BAK - Pastas about, or based off of, Youtube poops.
*OH YEAH MR. KRABS! - Pastas about Mr. Krabs.
*Patrick - Pastas about Patrick, not PATRIXXX.
*Pastas trying to be bad when it's good enough to be an actual pasta - Trollpastas that are actually pretty good Creepypastas.
*Creator Backlash - Pastas brought here by their original creator's
* R U READY 4 FREDDY?! - Pastas about the killer animatronic band from the popular vidya game "Five Nights At Freddy's"
*I love kidneys - Pastas about Eyeless Jack.
*THE FUTURE!!1 - Pastas about or relating to the future.
* Sonic.exe knockoffs - For trollpastas that are constantly making fun of Sonic.exe.
*AUTO - Pastas about
*(Insert name here) is Love, (Insert name here) is Life - Pastas with titles that are a ripoff of Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life.
*I came in like a wrecking ball - Pastas about Miley Cyrus.\
*???/// - Pastas with too many Question marks?
*UVR DA HEJ - Pastas about Over the Hedge
*Arr, PATRIXXX Be walkin de plank! - Pasters that speak like pirates. Arrr!
*cheese weiner - Pastas that attempt potty humor to be funny, and fail.
*Too short, didn't read - For pastas under 100 bytes of data.
*AND THEN A SKELETON BURROWED IN - Pastas where Skeletons burrow back into the ground after popping out.
*SAI-FAI CREATURES - Pastas about Aliens, Robots and more!
*TRAIBTWILB - Pastas about another Slenderman YouTube series, TribeTwelve.
*Becauseitwaseasy,Icantypeletterswithnospaces - Pastas that are not written in spaces. Because it's how The Observer talks.
*CHEESEXXX!! - For Pastas involving Cheese.
*Prublem Sulferz - For Pastas about The Problem Solverz.
*OMG SU SHINEEE!!! - Pastas involving shiny objects.
*Too Invisible, Didn't Read - Pastas with text that are too invisible to read.
*You're not the Pizza Guy - Pastas involving HABIT from EverymanHYBRID. Oh wait, HE WANTS PIZZA!
* assy mcasserson - Pastas involving butt jokes or has at least one Butt Monkey
* shingaykay no kwojyin - Pastas involving Attack on Titan or one of its characters.
* LET ETT GRAWW - Pastas about Frozen
* DAT'S WAT MAKES U BOOTYFUEL- Pastas involving One Direction
* DARUDE - SANDSTORM - Pages that use Darude - Sandstorm too much.
* AN DEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVR AFTEH! - Pastas in which no one dies and there's a happy ending
* FALSE STORY! - Pastas that admit that they're not real
* SUCKA MY PAINIS - Pastas involving fellatio, or other forms of oral sex
* GO QUACK YOURSELF - Pastas involving Ducks
* I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT WENT WRONG!!! - Pastas involving Derpy Hooves
* STRUTH! THIS PASTA'S PROPER BONZA MATE! - Pastas referencing something Australian.
* 404 - Pastas that no longer exist
* YUCK! VEGETABLES! - Pastas with vegetables in them
* PATRIARCHY CONFIRMED!!!!11!!1 - Pastas with the words "Kitchen", "Sandwich" or "Housewife" in it
* Hawt cok sex ass bitch tits pussy nude ebony slut ass whores boobs vagina penis porn dick vibrator pr0nz- sexy porno pastaz
* FROODAY: Pastas about freddy and his fucking friends (From Five nights at freddys)
* DA BOONDING OF AYSAAC: Pastas about The Binding of Isaac and The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.
* INSEPSIONS: Pastas with things inside things inside things inside things and so on and so forth.
* It's aboot dignity, eh?: Pastas about canadians.
* Sooth Perk: Pastas about South Park.
* PRONZ: Pastas about porn and shit.
* TICKPUTT: Pastas about the Food Battle series made by Smosh.
* DIKBUD: Pastas about dickbutt.
* 10/10 spooks: Pasta that try to be scary, and say '10/10 spooks'
* MURREY NIKEY: Pastas about the anime Mirai Nikki, or has one of it's characters in it.
* IT HASN'T EVEN BEGUN - Blank pastas.
* Josh Geary's Epic M.U.G.E.N Time - For Crappypastas made by Josh Geary (like ).
* 327849108612370561230597213illuminati - pastas written in afrikaans that are about numbers and the illuminati
* TWERRKING FREEKS - Pasta's that contain characters that never stop moving their butt.
* 420 - Pastas about weed
* ILikeToEatPie's Fairy Tales From South Korea - Pasta's written in Korean that are made by ILikeToEatPie
* Dear diary - Log entry Trollpastazzz
* HUTTAY HUTTINTUN - Pastas about Hatty Hattington
* KASTL KRASHERS - Pastas about Castle Crashers
* UHLIEN HIMNOD - Pastas about Alien Hominid
* DA BOHOMEET - Pastas about The Behemoth and their games
* SAVEN UNIVERZE- Pastas about Steven Universe
* ICTIDUD - Pastas about Octodad.
* GUT SNIMAHLOTR - Pastas about Goat Simulator
* MAKCIGUH - Pastas about Magicka.
* SHPOOOR - Pastas about Spore
* TO TEH ROCKIT VAN!!!! - Pastas about Breadwinners
* IT'Z WURTH IT!!!! - Pastas about Clarence
* Fuckboy and Cumchum - Pastas about Fanboy and Chumchum
* No cri till teh end - Pastas about the MOTHER / Earthbound games
* TEH AMAZIN WURL OF GAMBULL - Pastas about The Amazing world of Gumball
* EXTERMINATE - Pastas involving Daleks from the hit sci-fi Dr. Who
* I'M LUVIN IT!!!! - Pastas about McDonalds
* TEH END IZ NEIGH!!! - Pastas about the Luna Games
* EVIL PUBES - Pastas that involves someone's pubic hair turning evil
* YO A STOOPID HAW!! - Pastas involving Nicki Minaj
* The Unbreakable Union - For pastas involving the .
* Marukaite Chikyuu - For pastas featuring the Hetalia franchise.
* yes but no - When your body says yes but your mind says no.
* FUUL HAUSE - Pastas involving the hit TV show Full House
* orgassmz guize - Pastas in which someone brags about a pleasant orgasm
* Pastas that try to be bad but are awesome enought to be a creepypasta - for pastas that tried to be a troll but was so good it got put on CPS
* REALIXTIX - For pastas that are plausible
* AR U RDY 4 FRDY? - Pastas about FNAF
* FAZE - Pastas that involves FaZe Clan
* BEPIS! - For BEPIS! pastas
* GRANATA PASHLIIII - Pastas about throwing grenades
* Mmm... DAT ARSE - Pastas wrote on Scottish accent
* KRAVLING IN MAH SKEIN - About rok n' roll pastas
* U GOT BAXTABED MATE! - For a guy who's named Mate and he got backstabbed
* FRANCE IS NICE- Anything that praises France
* Skepolopastas - Written by le epic skepoleoeos xdddd
* MEH OATSEE IZ BESHT - Pastas involving crappy OC's
* SuckMyaDick- For pastas with cock joke in it.
* ZOMFG IT'Z CANDLEJACKASS (LEAVE THIS ONE LAST ON THE LIST DANGIT) - Pastas that end when the text gets cut off sudde
*Not Scary-Pastas that are not scary
*23784632787 - For creepypastas using the number 23784632787.
*Photoshock - For pastas which have pictures edited in Photoshop.
*Ruspastas - For Russian pastas.
*Italpastas - For Italian pastas.
*Frenpastas - For French pastas.
*Jappastas - For Japanese pastas.
*Chinpastas - For Chinese pastas.
*Spanpastas - For Spanish pastas.
*Germpastas - For German pastas.
*Engpastas - For English pastas.
*Afripastas - For African pastas (Any country).
*Amerpastas - For American pastas (There a lot of them here).
*Groovity Fails - For pastas about Gravity Falls cartoon.
*NO WEED - For pastas where nobody smokes weed.
*DO NUT LUK BEHIND U! - For pastas which end like "Don't look behind you!"
*TROLLFAIL - For pastas which managed to be "Trollpasta of the month" and "Fail of the month" at the same time!
*2unspooky4everyone - For pastas which try to be scary but failed and turned hilarious (Not "Pasta trying to be good sucks enough to be a troll" category,this is different).
*CHUCK NORRIS RULES! - For pastas which praise Chuck Norris.
*JoeJoe - For pastas about JoJo Bizarre Adventure Universe.
*KONO DIO DA! - For pastas where antagonist (or someone else) is revealed to be Dio Brando (JJBA).
*WRRRRRRRRRRRRRY - For pastas about Dio Brando without his famous phrase said above.
*Dafuq tales - For pastas about Duck Tales.
*Rocks go up,everybody resurrects - For pastas where everyone ends up dead and then resurrects.
*Poopin - For pastas about Vladimir Putin.
*Jerkel - For pastas about Angela Merkel.
*AlObama - For pastas about Barak Obama.
*Naturals - For pastas about Supernatural Universe.
*Duum - For pastas about DOOM.
*Taekking - For pastas about Tekken.
*HOLY DRAGON BALLS! - For pastas about DBZ.
*And not a single fuck was given - For pastas nobody cares about.
*.exe - For pastas about strange .exe files.
*.avi - For pastas about strange videos.
*.png - For pastas about strange pictures.
*.jpg - See above.
*.jpeg - See above.
*.txt - For pastas about strange text files.
*FUCK THE SYSTEM - For pastas about computer systems acting...oddly.
*Clawns - For pastas about clowns.
*And then some shit popped out - For pastas where anything but a skeleton pops out.
*ZAMBIEZ - For pastas about zombies.
*Hell-o-win - For pastas happening or written during Haloween.
*DEAD FAD YO - For pasta having to do with anything Weegee.
*Gayvin-For pastas written by or about Gavin the Gaming (Raiding) Guru
*The King - Pastas written by Morgan Kingsley
*Trump 2016 - For pastas about the False God, Donald J. Trump
*Sanders 2016 - For pastas about Bernie Sanders.
*Hillary 2016 - For pastas about Hillary Clinton.
*Cruz 2016 - For pastas about Ted Cruz.
*Go Eat a Dick - For Pastas written by people nobody likes whatsoever.
*Udnertale - For pastas about Undertale.
*DON'T CALL ME SMALL!!! - For pastas about Fullmetal Alchemist.
*ON A SCALE OF ONE TO TEN.... - For pastas about Big Hero 6.
*It's called a hustle, sweetheart - For pastas about Zootopia.
*The first Elder Scrolls game that nobody cares about - For pastas about Elder Scrolls 1: Arena.
*Daggerfail - For pastas about Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall.
*Murruhwind - For pastas about Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind.
*Obliviun - For pastas about Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.
*Skahrym - For pastas about Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.
*Elder Scrolls Online - For pastas about Elder Scrolls Online. What else did you expect?
*Teh Elduh Scrolls - For pastas involving the Elder Scrolls series.
*Foolin - For pastas involving the Fallout series.
*Buttthesdurr - For pastas involving the video game developer, Bethesda.
*GODD HOWARD!!!11!!!1 - For pastas involving Todd Howard.
*Dragun Age - For pastas about the Dragon Age series.
*BASED OFF REAL PEEPLE - For pastas about real life people.
*AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH - For pastas that involve screaming.
*DREAMWURKS - For pastas with movies created by Dreamworks.
*My wife misses me, BUT HER AIM IS GETTING BETTER - For pastas about Grunkle Stan.
*I'm watching you nerds! - For pastas about Bill Cipher.
*WONDUH OER YANDURR - For pastas about Wander over Yonder.
*GUIL WOORS - For pastas involving either Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2.
*BLAK DESORT ONLEIN - For pastas about Black Desert Online.
*RUBOOT UNICURN ATAK - For pastas about Robot Unicorn Attack.
*Tempel Run - For pastas about Temple Run.
*Angsty Birbs - For pastas about Angry Birds.
*POT VS ZAMBIES - For pastas about Plants vs Zombies.
*KANDY KRUZH - For pastas about Candy Crush.
*Surbway Surferz - For pastas about Subway Surfers.

''Hire a samurai''

- For pastas involving bill wurtz's [ History of Japan] video.
*TED CRUZ IS THE ZODIAC KILLER!!!!!!!!!!111! - For pastas about Ted Cruz being the zodiac killer.
*APRIL FOOLS LOL!!!!! - For pastas that are an April Fools joke.
*Youtubez - For pastas involving youtube
*Wattpad being normal - Pastas from or about Wattpad.
*DeviantART being normal - Pastas from or about DeviantART.
*TUMBLUH - Pastas from or about Tumblr.
*r/trollpasta - Pastas from or about Reddit.
*GOD HATES TROLLPASTA - Pastas involving Westboro Baptist Church.
*UNESSARY RAPE IS SCARY GUISE - Pastas with unneeded rape/sexual abuse.
*KILING IS SO COOL U GUISE - Pastas where some killer murders a bunch of people for no real reason.
*Unoriginal characters - Pastas with OCs in them.
*GARY STU ALERT - The male version of MARY SUE ALERT.
*Im resurrected - Pastas in which the author dies, then resurrects.
*UGUU - Pastas involving Anime or Manga.
*Anti Hobbykids - Pastas involving the youtuber, Anti Hobbykids
*Oberwutch - Pastas about Overwatch.
*BATTELBERN - Pastas about Battleborn.
*Caitlyn Alcorn - For pastas that have transgender people in it.
*That dragon fucker - for pastas involving Lance the "dragon master"
*Babality- For pastas that either involve babies or end with them.
*Stephen Galaxy- For pastas about Steven Universe.
*Scary Loli- For pastas that include Lolies.
*It's the Nutshack!- For pastas either about The Nutshack or containing Nutshack memes.
*Read by Brendaniel- For pastas that have been read by Brendaniel.
*S00pah Merio Buruddahs - For pastas involving Super Mario Bros.
*JUST DO IT! - Pastas with Shia Lebouf
*Revolver Ocelot - Revolver Ocelot
*Numa Numa - Ma-ia-hii, Ma-ia-huu, Ma-ia-haa, Ma-ia-haha
*NEVUR GUNNA GIV U UP - Pastas that contains rickrolls
*SHORT ASS TITLE‏‎ - Pastas with short titles
*AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!! - Pastas with John Cena
*Dateline NBC - Pastas that contain child pornography
*Categories - This category is for categori- HOLY SHIT, CATEGORYCEPTION!!!1!!one
*Rooblux - Pastas about Roblox
*Metriod - Pastas about Metroid
*tfw no gf - Pastas with Wojak
*Hyper-Unrealistic - It doesn't look scary to me
*Necissary Sequels - Fans wanted more, now you'll have more!
*Smashing! - Pastas with Nigel Thornberry
*Poor Excuse for animation - Pastas about Goanimate
*HAHA GADHIM! - Pastas that include roasts (or someone getting roasted)
*HOW THE FUCK DID THIS SHIT HAPPEN - Pastas that make the reader question, "How does this even happen?"
*nananananananananananananana - BATMAN!!!!
*It was at this moment that they knew, they fucked up. - Pastas where the main character really screws up
*GLOWING 1000 DEGREE KNIFE - For pastas with Glowing 1000 degree (or any heated/frozen) knife or mentions of one
*Water Closet Soonamru - for pastas written by WC Sunamaru.
*Water Closet Mazubutt - foor pastas written by WC Mizubot.
*TIMES TWO WATER CLOSET COMBO - for collaberations between WC Sunamaru and WC Mizubot.
*Cloorfl VSH Tapz - for pastas involving VHS Tapes molded in bright colors.
*Stir Vz da Farces ov Ebil - For pastas involving Star vs. the Forces of evil.
*It's called a Hussie, sweetheart - for either Zootopia-Homestuck crossovers or Zootopia pastas where everyone dies Or both..
*Nintendoes Swatch - for pastas involving the Nintendo Switch.
*Are you ready? Four Freddies! - for pastas involving four varyations of Freddy Fazbear.
*Innarlokin brix sistem - for  pastas invlving LEGO or similar building toys.
*Lega Didmentions - for pastas involving Lego Dimensions.
*Lega Younivrs - for pastas involving Lego Universe.
*Brall in da Fam - for pastas involving the webcomic Brawl in the Family.
*Dating Websites - for pastas abour roblox or similar
*Morels - for pastas with life lessons.
*UB - for pastas involving Oobi.
*Temmy - for pastas involving Temmie Chang or Temmie from Undertale.
*Nise Hatt - for pastas with characters with nice hats.
*Myar, see? - for pastas involving mobsters.
*THAT STUPID FAT BITCH - for pastas involving the author's mother.
*Where the fuck is it?! - For pastas that don't exist.
*Meme Machine: Pastas that use every meme ever created in the history of the Internet. Not just trends like Doge or "wot in tarnation" but everything that has ever been posted to memecenter, r/memes, etc.
*Eluding Deportation: Pastas that are actually good but have (somehow) lasted over a month without being moved to Creepypasta Wiki.
*League of Losers - For League of Legends pastas
*Futa 2 - For Defense of the Ancient 2 Pastas
*Hat Simulator 2017 - For Team Fortress Pastas
*Head crab, head crab, do what ever head crab can - For Half Life pastas
*we need to sacrifice someone because we are all bitches - For Left for Dead pastas
*Get out there, she's gonna blow - For Counter Strike: Source Pastas
*CXKA BLXAT RUSH B OY PIZDEC KURWA BLXAT P90 - For Counter Strike: Global Offensive Pastas
*lOL dat LOSER shuuts beer otut of hies ass IM SO FUNNY AHAHAH - For GMOD Youtuber Pastas
*Radgolls - For GMOD pastas
*Urban Dicktionary - For Urban Dictionary Pastas
*censor - For pastas with a lot of censoring
*┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴ - For Pastas with Dongers
*WE ARE FAT - For pastas about anonymous
*ey b0ss - For Filthy Frank pastas
*furrehz - For non-porn Furry pastas (lol does that even exist)
*Suprise Egg! - Pastas about HobbyKidsTV